Muse by David Teitsma

My attempt to understand and be understood.


Sea to Sea

I've decided that I'm going to bike across America in order to raise awareness, support and action to make poverty history and to "stop the cycle of poverty". After only discovering this opportunity a week ago, I'm positive I'm going to take this huge step and do this.

For the past month, I've been talking about biking across America next summer, spurred by reading and Miles from Nowhere. I think it would be amazing to travel by bike, as I can do it under my own momentum, and can experience the country firsthand and not through a car window. So upon hearing this, I feel like I have to capture this great opportunity to do this with others.

Also, since going to Honduras and learning about development I have been passionate about assisting others who haven't had the opportunity and necessities that I have (this includes: clean water, sanitary conditions, food, and a stable family).

So Sea to Sea with the CRC is an amazing opportunity to combine both of these passions that I have developed. This is a big commitment for me as I have to raise a substantial amount of funds for the CRC in order to participate, and I will probably quit my job.

I continue to pray and discuss how all this might work.

I'm pumped everyday thinking about how big of a task it will be to bike over 70 miles a day for 6 days a week for 9 weeks. But this challenge all excites me! Plus, I will meet so many incredibly people and will see so many beautiful landscapes and places!

UPDATE: I have started a separate blog for my trip, you can find it at: